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Employment Law

FFCRA paid leave may be concluding…but COVID is not.

As an employer, if you are covered by the FFCRA, you should assume that the FFCRA is going away in 2021. But, COVID is not. Therefore, you need to spend some time over the next few weeks figuring out your own plan for your employees to deal with any COVID-related absences.

      • Will you grant your own paid sick and family leave in lieu of the federal benefit?
      • Will you merely rely on your existing paid leave benefits?
      • Will you grant unpaid leaves but not offer any additional paid leave?
      • Will you do nothing and force these employees out of your business?

These are tough choices to make during difficult times. But they need to be made and you should have a plan as it appears that Congress will not be providing one for you for 2021. 

If you have any questions, please contact Bob Lepp at or another member of our Employment Law group

Thu Dec 10, 8:53pm

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